Module Curation Next Steps (Season 2+)

This post begins a new thread exploring next steps for Hats Modules curation. It outlines the current state, some of the challenges we face, invites discussion on how what we can do in Season 2 to address those challenges, and outlines a couple immediate next actions.

Hats Modules curation right now

Modules are curated via pull requests on the the Modules Registry github repo. There are 16 modules currently on the registry and therefore available to end users (“wearers”) via apps using the Modules SDK.

The curation itself is conducted by wearers of the Modules Registry Curator hat, in compliance with the v0.1 curation rubric and timing guidelines. Currently only 3 people are wearing this hat.

The curation process and mechanisms are managed by wearers of the Modules Curation Manager hat. Currently 7 people are wearing this hat.

Current challenges

  1. How might we enable wearers to redeploy modules as a last resort to fixing configuration mistakes?
  2. How might we best enable module developers to introduce new versions in a manner that does not introduce unnecessary UX complexity for wearers?
  3. How might we reduce the deployment overhead for module developers in regards to distributing their module on multiple chains, without introducing additional friction for wearers?
  4. How might we improve the curation rubric and process?

Improvements in progress

  1. @spengrah will submit a protoDAO proposal to mint the Modules Registry Curator hat to @tysullberg and @yamine, and the Modules Curation Manager hat to @auryn_macmillan and @moreReese, per their previously-expressed interest.
  2. Adding a salt parameter to the HatsModuleFactory to enable redeployment
  3. Simplifying the registry so that curation only pertains to modules. This involves removing the factory and moving the chaining modules into the main /modules directory, as well adding a new type.meta key to the registry schema to help distinguish between chaining-style modules and “regular” modules.
  4. Enforcing create2 deployment for module implementation contracts to ensure that modules can be deployed to the same address across EVM-equivalent chains.

Discussion: other potential changes for Season 2

  • Handle module versioning
  • Better handling for cross-chain deployments
  • Iterate on the curation rubric and guidelines

Immediate next actions

  1. Review this post and referenced information
  2. We will discuss in brief at the Steward’s Convening in Denver
  3. We will schedule our next call for the week or two after ETHDenver, with these items on the agenda